Wicked Winter Warmer Recipe

Wicked Winter Warmer (8.5 Litres)
Dark roasted malt character takes the lead but there’s a deep underlying bitterness to offset those flavours. Mouth-feel is generous but not overdone, with enough body to stand up to the spirit essence addition. The Rum essence is the final note in the composition and brings delightful roundness of flavour that chases away the frostbite. What a tasty way to warm up on a cold winter day, or any time!
- 1.3kg Mr Beer Winter Dark Ale
- 250g Mr Beer Smooth Malt Extract
- Samuel Willard's Queenslander Dark Rum Spirit Essence
- 72g Mr Beer Carbonation Drops
- Colour: Copper/Brown
- Body: Med/Heavy
- Bitterness: Med/Low
- Approx. Alcohol Level: 6.5% ABV
- Naturally Carbonated: Natural

Step 1 : Mix
Clean and sanitise all equipment that will come in contact with the brew. Add the Winter Dark Ale and Smooth Malt Extract to the Fermenting Vessel (FV). Fill the FV with cold water to the 8.5 litre mark. Sprinkle the yeast and fit the lid.

Step 2: Brew
Place the FV in a location out of direct sunlight and try to ferment between 20C-24C. Fermentation should take 7 to 14 days. At around day 7 check the specific gravity (SG). Check the SG again the following day and so on.

Step 3:Bottle
The brew is ready once the SG has stabilised over a couple of days. Add ½ tsp Dark Rum Essence (about two capfuls) to each clean PET bottle. If adding your preferred spirit instead, 30ml per PET bottle. Gently fill the bottles with beer to about 3cm from the top. Add 2 carbonation drops per bottle and secure the caps. Store the bottles upright in a location out of direct sunlight at or above 18C.

Step 4: Enjoy
After at least two weeks, check for sufficient carbonation by squeezing the bottles. Bottles kept unrefrigerated should improve with age. When ready to drink, chill the bottles upright. The chilled beer may be poured into clean glassware, leaving the sediment behind. Expect the alcohol content to be approximately 6.5 %ABV (approx 7.0% ABV if using you preferred spirit).
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