Smooth Bockenator Recipe

Smooth Bockenator (23 Litres)
Smooth Bockenator is back from the future to populate the present with this malt driven wheat beer. Combining the best flavours of a Dunkelweizen with the rich strength and body of a ‘bock’, it’s the perfect choice to terminate your thirst. Nearly as heavy bodied as another famous terminator, this Weizenbock is much more aware of your senses offering hints of banana and chocolate with a sweet warm finish. Say hasta la vista to whatever you’re drinking and say hola to the Bockenator.
- 2 x 1.7kg Thomas Coopers Preachers Hefe Wheat
- 1 x 1.5kg Wheat Malt Extract
- 200g Crystal Malt Grains
- 100g Midnight Wheat Grain
- 2 x 11g Lallemand Munich Classic Dry Yeast
- 1 x 250g Dextrose Corn Sugar or Carbonation Drops
- Colour: Copper/Brown
- Body: Heavy
- Bitterness: Medium/Low
- Approx. Alcohol Level: 7.6% ABV
- Naturally Carbonated: Natural

Step 1 : Mix
The day before: Line a pot (at least 4 litres) with a mesh cleaning cloth (pulled straight from the pack). Place the grains in a plastic zip-lock sandwich bag and crack them using a rolling pin. Add the cracked grain and 3 litres of cold water, fit the lid and sit in the fridge overnight. Brew day: Remove from the fridge then gather up the corners of the mesh cloth and lift, allowing the liquid to drain from the grains back into the pot. Place the strained liquid onto the stovetop, bring to the boil then remove from the heat. Cool the liquid by placing the pot in a bath of cold water for about 15mins. Add all the fermentable ingredients and the cooled liquid to the fermenting vessel (FV) then stir to dissolve. Top up with cold tap water to the 20 litre mark, stir thoroughly. Check the temperature and top up to the 23 litre mark with warm or cool water (refrigerated if necessary) to start the brew at 22C. Sprinkle the dry yeast (including yeast with the brew cans), insert the Krausen Kollar and fit the lid.

Step 2 : Brew
Place the FV in a location out of direct sunlight and try to ferment between 22C-24C. Fermentation should take 10 to 14 days. On day 10 check the specific gravity (SG). Check the SG again the following day and so on.

Step 3 : Bottle
The brew is ready once the SG has stabilised over a couple of days, expect about 1014 to 1018. Gently fill clean PET bottles to about 3cm from the top. Add 2 carbonation drops per bottle and secure the caps (use only one carbonation drop for bottles intended to be stored for a longer period). Store the bottles upright in a location out of direct sunlight at or above 18C.

Step 4 : Enjoy
After at least two weeks, check for sufficient carbonation by squeezing the bottles. Bottles kept unrefrigerated should improve with age. When ready to drink, chill the bottles upright. May be decanted into clean glassware for a bright appearance or served cloudy by gently rotating the bottle to mix the yeast evenly through the beer prior to pouring. Expect the alcohol content to be approximately 7.3 %ABV.
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