Dass Alto Recipe

Dass Alto(23 Litres)
Dass Alto is a precision made quasi dark lager. Well, how precise is up to you. At the dark end of the Northern German Altbier style, Dass Alto presents like a cleaner version of an amber ale. Warm caramel and biscuity aromas are complemented by flowery, fruity, and spicy hop notes. From the lip of the stein expect smooth malt flavours followed by a clean hop finish. Dass Alto, brewed from a tradition of perfection.
- 1.7kg Real Ale
- 1 x 1.5kg Amber Malt Extract
- 1 x 200g Caramunich (I) Grains
- 2 x 25g Spalt Hop Pellets
- 1 x 11g Danstar Nottingham Yeast
- 1 x 250g Dextrose Corn Sugar or Carbonation Drops
- Colour: Amber
- Body: Light/Medium
- Bitterness: Medium
- Approx. Alcohol Level: 5.0% ABV
- Naturally Carbonated: Natural

Step 1 : Mix
The day before: Line a pot (at least 4 litres) with a mesh cleaning cloth (pulled straight from the pack), then add the cracked grain and 2 litres of cold water. Fit the lid and sit in the fridge for 24hrs. Remove from the fridge then gather up the corners of the mesh cloth and lift, allowing the liquid to drain from the grains back into the pot. Place the strained liquid onto the stovetop and bring to the boil. Add 25g of Spalt Hop pellets and allow to boil for 10mins. Remove from the heat and cool the liquid by placing the pot in a bath of cold water for about 15mins. Strain the malt/hop liquid into a Fermenting Vessel (FV) and add all the fermentable ingredients then stir to dissolve. Top up with cold tap water to the 20 litre mark, stir thoroughly. Check the temperature and top up to the 23 litre mark with warm or cool water (refrigerated if necessary) to start the brew at 16C- 18C. Sprinkle the dry yeast (including yeast with the brew can), fit the lid and try to ferment at 16C.

Step 2 : Brew
At around day 6 of fermentation, add the remaining 25g of Spalt Hop Pellets (we recommend wrapping them in a mesh cleaning cloth, pulled straight from the wrapper). This brew may take longer to reach final gravity than a typical ale due to the lower fermentation temperature. Fermentation has finished once the specific gravity is stable over 2 days. It should finish around the 1006 – 1010 mark.

Step 3 : Bottle
Bottle the brew with a priming rate of 8g per litre (2 carbonation drops per 750ml bottle).

Step 4 : Enjoy
Allow to condition for at least 2 weeks in the bottle. This brew may benefit from extra time in the bottle. Expect the alcohol content to be around 5.0% ABV.
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