Columbus' Cascading Brown Ale Recipe

Columbus' Cascading Brown Ale (8.5 Litres)
Hop forward but with a rich malt base, this American Brown is just the right balance of the four elements of beer to go down smooth. Whether you're out exploring new worlds or snuggled up in front of a fire, you'll find you return again and again for just one more taste of this liquid velvet.
- 1.3kg Bewitched Amber Ale
- 250g Robust Malt Extract
- 12g Columbus Hop Pellets
- 12g Cascade Hop Pellets
- Dextrose Corn Sugar
- Colour: Brown
- Body: Medium
- Bitterness: Med/High
- Approx. Alcohol Level: 6.5%ABV
- Naturally Carbonated: Natural

Step 1: Mix
Clean and sanitise all equipment that will come in contact with the brew. In a 2 litre pan, mix a 250g pouch of Robust Malt Extract with 500ml of water and bring to the boil. Add the Cascade Hop Pellets and boil for 5mins. Then add the Columbus Hop Pellets and boil for another 5mins. Remove from heat and cool the pan in a sink of iced water. Strain the cooled malt/hop mix into the Fermenting Vessel (FV). Add the Bewitched Amber Ale to the FV. Fill the FV with cold water to the 8.5 litre mark. Sprinkle the yeast and fit the lid.

Step 2: Brew
Place the FV in a location out of direct sunlight and try to ferment between 20C-24C. Fermentation should take 7 to 14 days. At around day 7 check the specific gravity (SG). Check the SG again the following day and so on.

Step 3: Bottle
The brew is ready once the SG has stabilised over a couple of days. Gently fill clean PET bottles to about 3cm from the top. Add 2 carbonation drops per bottle and secure the caps. Store the bottles upright in a location out of direct sunlight at or above 18C.

Step 4: Enjoy
After at least two weeks, check for sufficient carbonation by squeezing the bottles. Bottles kept unrefrigerated should improve with age. When ready to drink, chill the bottles upright. The chilled beer may be poured into clean glassware, leaving the sediment behind. Expect the alcohol content to be approximately 6.5 %ABV.
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