ChocLiqueur Stout Recipe

ChocLiqueur Stout (23 Litres)
The economy of scale, we enjoy as DIY brewers, means little effort and materials are needed to modify or augment desirable characters of a brew. In this recipe, a dry stout base (BJCP style guidelines, category 13C) has the chocolate aroma increased to a more overt level by adding both chocolate malt grains and chocolate flavouring. Reduce the priming rate by 50% to give the brew less fizz and a smoother mouth-feel.
- 1.7kg Thomas Coopers Irish Stout (or Original Series Stout)
- 1.5kg Amber Malt Extract
- 300g Chocolate Malt (or Roasted Malt) grains
- 50ml Chocolate Flavoured Spirit essence
- English ale yeast plus yeast with the brew can
- Dextrose Corn Sugar
- Colour: Black
- Body: Heavy
- Bitterness: Medium
- Approx. Alcohol Level: 4.9% ABV
- Naturally Carbonated: Natural

STEP 1: Mix
Crack the grains (put the grains in a plastic zip-lock sandwich bag and crack them with a rolling pin), add to 2 litres of just boiled water, steep for 30 mins, remove the grains then bring the liquid to the boil. Add the contents of the beer kit and malt extract cans to the fermenting vessel and dissolve with 2 litres of hot water (this can be the boiled liquid from the chocolate malt steeping). Add cold water up to the 20 litre mark and stir vigorously. Check the brew temperature and top up to the 23 litre mark with cold or warm water to get as close as possible to 21C. Sprinkle the dry yeast and fit the lid.

STEP 2: Brew
Try to ferment as close as possible to 21C. Add the chocolate flavoured spirit essence to the brew about 2 days after the foam (krausen) has collapsed back into the brew. Fermentation has finished once the specific gravity is stable over 2 days.

STEP 3: Bottle
We recommend the use of PET bottles or reusable glass bottles designed for storing beer. Bottles need to be primed so that secondary fermentation (producing the gas in the bottle) can take place
Bottle the brew with a priming rate of 4g per litre (1 carbonation drop per 750ml bottle). Store the bottles out of direct sunlight at 18C or above for at least 1 week while secondary fermentation occurs. Your beer can be consumed after 2 weeks.
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